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Stand Annealer - Thicker / Medium

Stand Annealer - Thicker / Medium

These furnaces are specially used for Continuous Annealingnm of Stainless Steel Wire & it is ideal for bright annealing of stainless steel 300 & 400 series grade wires. SS310 / Inconel tubes are suitably located at the hearth.

Stand Annealer - Fine Wire

Stand Annealer - Fine Wire

These furnaces are specially used for Continuous Appealing of Stainless Steel Wire & it is ideal for bright annealing of stainless steel 300 & 400 series grade wires. SS310 / Inconel tubes are suitably located at the hearth.

Solution Annealing Furnace

Solution Annealing Furnace

Improves the corrosion resistance, Wire drawing ability improves & due to smooth wire drawing, life of die correspondingly improves, Surface defects minimized, Reduction in Pickling time, Improvement & consistency in mechanical / metallurgical properties.

Baking Oven

Baking Oven

Baking Oven is specially used to heat the Steel Wire, for removing moisture and to dry the wire coil

Laboratory Furnace

Laboratory Furnace

laboratory furnace it is electrically heated batch type furnace basically used in laboratory for drying, moisure is removed from the sample, baking, where a sample is heated without dehumidification and curing, whrer the sample is chemically or physically altered.